This is your invitation to the best damn messaging course on the internet

It’s your turn to nail your client-converting messaging to build the profitable foundation of your growing business

You ready, love?

POV: You know what you do & why you do it better than anyone on this PLANET

(you don’t need me to tell you that)

But when it comes to taking the value of your work & passion and communicating it in a way that *lands* with your audience so they buy from you consistently…

<insert exhale of frustration HERE> 

Here’s the thing - your sustainable business growth is about so much more than just being good at what you do. I KNOW you are. That’s tablestakes in my world

But you can’t serve other humans with your gifts if they don’t see that your work is for them. That YOU are for them

It’s your messaging that attracts the right clients & helps them to immediately see the value of what you can do for them

It’s through your messaging that you articulate how freaking special & unique working with you is

It’s through your messaging that you communicate in a deeply memorable & impactful way that helps more people & grows a rock-solid business for you

Once you nail this, it’s the #1 moneymaker in your biz

Your messaging is your superpower, love

Expressed was the best investment I made in myself and my business [the year I signed up for it], hands down.
— Maria Eilersen, PR Coach

Are you ready to uplevel the way you communicate about your work, the way your dream clients respond to your content, the way you share the value of your offers, the way you creatively & authentically express yourself?

Allow yourself to sink into imagining…

  • Your community deeply resonating with your content, being inspired & transformed by what you share AND BUYING FROM YOU

  • Being looked to as a thought leader in your space… the true leader of your movement

  • Working with more & more soulmate clients who are the exact right humans to receive the transformation that your work provides

  • Savoring the creativity and alignment that comes when you unlock your self expression

  • Taking more risks, being more confident/playful/silly/sexy and YOU in your content

  • Seeing every day that the time and energy you spend on your content is directly growing your business & bringing in clients

  • Increasing your visibility & reach organically because your content is working hard for you

Permission to show up as the fullest expression of yourself & build the business of your dreams: GRANTED

I never thought it was possible to get here (hitting 5-figure income for the first time in Q1). Our time together and this safe container allowed me to fully own my offerings
— Maryann Samreth, Memoir Writing Coach

Expressed is THE comprehensive messaging course that brings together everything I’ve mastered in 14+ years of marketing & copywriting mastery. And it’s the best-selling, most results-oriented program I’ve ever created

I’m going to help you identify the most potent parts of who you are and how you help people & extract that into a elevated, high-converting marketing messaging so your messaging doesn’t just work hard for you to grow your business, but feels more effortless & authentic to create & is something you actually look FORWARD to in your day 

(bc life is too short for such a critical piece of your business to feel hard, babe)

Expressed is a one-of-a-kind, top of the line program and there is truly nothing like it out there. Welcome to the best damn messaging course on the interwebs

And welcome to the new paradigm of content creation for your business, love

I absolutely adored being in this program and did end up having one of my biggest months and biggest quarters in business ever. A lot of things are just coming together because I really understand how to express - I redid my website, I reworked a lot of offers, and I’ve really connected to my message and how to communicate the magic that I have to share with the world
— Allison KT, Spiritual Biz Mindset Coach

Be seen

Be heard


Get paid

I learned to express my authentic voice behind my brand in such a seemingly effortless way. This is going to ground my business and my content creation for years to come.
— Caitie Corradino, Registered Dietician-Nutritionist

Expressed is not a zoomed-out container where I teach high-level concepts that you’re then stuck trying to figure out how to apply to your unique business

The magic of Expressed is that it is a proven messaging methodology. I’ve spent years creating this unique & effective methodology that I’ve taught to dozens of Expressed clients (the same methodology I used to scale my business to six-figures in year 1… and beyond)

And I refined it & distilled it into an exact science that is completely customizable to you and your business - your types of offers, your business model, your audience size

Everything you see me do - every type of content I create, how I think about speaking to my ideal client, how I launch & share my offers, how I share my story & my why, & so much more - is covered and broken down for you inside Expressed. And I’m not just going deep on what to do & how to do it for every facet of your messaging - I’m explaining the WHY so you understand the marketing psychology & human psychology behind it & why it’s so effective for authentically connecting to your soulmate clients

Get ready to take your magic and articulate it with diamond-sharp clarity so your ideal clients immediately see the value of what you offer and say YES to working with you

Here’s a look inside what’s included in Expressed:

Module 1 - Expressed Onboarding, plus a bonus visualization & journaling exercise

Module 2 - Building your brand & movement 

Module 3 - Storytelling that sells 

Module 4 - My Story Breakdown Framework - a step-by-step guide to writing your most impactful content, piece by piece

Module 5 - Offer creation secrets

Module 6 - Speaking powerfully to the problems you’re solving for your clients 

Module 7 - Connecting to clients’ DESIRES & communicating the results of your work (even if it’s not money or something tangible)

Module 8 - Building authority & trust with your soulmate clients

Module 9 - Content types that grow your business

Module 10 - Launching A-Z

Module 11 - Lead Magnets & masterclasses that sell

Module 12 - Pre-launch messaging for a HOT audience

*PLUS the Expressed workbook with frameworks & tools for working with all of the modules & 20+ pages of content examples with detailed notes from me


  • Mini manifestation training with a powerful quantum intention-setting  exercise

  • The Must-Have Effect Masterclass - the energetics of magnetism & expression

Download after download. The creative and writing floodgates were burst open and it was amazing. Expressed empowered me, it’s given me a year’s worth of content ideas, and inspired me.
— Anna Brown, Registered Dietician & ReWilding Expert

Your next-level business, impact, and expression… they’re closer than you think

The investment is $1.5k pay in full, and I offer flexible, extended payment plan options so you can invest in a way that feels spacious for you.

I cannot wait to welcome you in <3

x Carolyn

I booked my first paid 1:1 coaching client. I booked a speaking engagement for double what I usually would have asked for. I was asked to write an article after sharing an experience on social. I truly appreciate you sharing your insights into messaging and helping us all grow.
— Monica Glass, Nutrition + Joyful Wellness Coach, Chef, & Recipe Goddess
Carolyn has such an ability to pull from me what my heart is truly trying to say. I’ve truly been able to express myself in ways that are in total alignment with who I am.
— Rebecca Dubner, Empowerment Coach for mamas